About Me

I'm 28 years old, fresh out of grad school with the student debt to prove it. I am excited to begin attacking this with gazelle intensity and becoming debt-free! My plan-of-attack includes the TMM and The Spending Fast. Now, Let's Get Er Done!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

So it's time to get back on board with cutting unnecessary spending. This week I went back over my accounts and calculated how much of my "debits" were not technically needs. The total is rather shocking and I am discouraged about how much the money could have better put to use. While none of it was spent on any evil thing, it still could have served a much better purpose. And taxes. Being single and childless is really killing me there. As did my academic scholarship, which pretty much negated any claim to student deductions. Which seems unfair as being a student still by and large cuts into time available during which to earn money. But this government is not always fair to its charges, especially those trying to bring themselves up. As I'm sure I've previously mentioned, it is easier to catch a break from being a shopaholic with crazy credit card or gambling debts than it is to get one on education loans. But enough of that soapbox.
Starting today, I am eliminating unnecessary spending. Unfortunately it is an odd numbered day, but I feel that is insufficient reason to delay and risk further relapses. Now, keep in mind, what we deem necessary varies among individuals. For instance, I need makeup and a certain amount of soda. Makeup makes me ready to face the day, and soda helps me keep up my calorie energy during my restaurant shifts. Soda also inexplicably seems to help with morale, if not my overall physical health.

So here are ways I will cut back, some of which I have already begun.

  • Make better use of crockpot to prevent ordering takeout when too tired to cook and/or pack lunch. (takeout per time may not be too costly but adds up over 2 months).
  • Started making my own salad dressing from discounted oil, spices and vinegar (yum!)
  • Just say no to Smoothie King
  • Refuse to tempt myself by entering stores not falling under the pharmacy/grocery category (this will do wonders here...retail therapy..cough cough).
This over a period of 3 months will save a considerable amount of my income, and do wonders for my education loan payments. 

Challenge proposed. Challenge accepted. And Go!

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