About Me

I'm 28 years old, fresh out of grad school with the student debt to prove it. I am excited to begin attacking this with gazelle intensity and becoming debt-free! My plan-of-attack includes the TMM and The Spending Fast. Now, Let's Get Er Done!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hello There!
My name is Charis and I'm a graduate with my second? Big Girl Job and my fair share of student loans...aka evil incarnate. I love reading about and sharing ways to save and be intentional with money. I made a commitment to myself when I was in grad school that I would do everything I could to pay off the ENTIRETY of my student debt within a year of commencing post-grad employment (SEP 2015). This blog is a method of shall we say public accountability and a hope that I can partner with others who are inspired to save and to be free of debt. So let's Get "Er Done!

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