About Me

I'm 28 years old, fresh out of grad school with the student debt to prove it. I am excited to begin attacking this with gazelle intensity and becoming debt-free! My plan-of-attack includes the TMM and The Spending Fast. Now, Let's Get Er Done!

Monday, November 3, 2014

So now for some bragging! While I deplore some choices that necessitated student loans, I am a firm believer in accepting the past and moving forward. As it stands, I have paid off over 6,000 of my student loans in the past three months, which is ahead of my budgeted payments of 1800/mo. My original goal was to pay off by September 2015. I am passing these goals by practicing practical finance and occasional minimalism. These are often tough choices. I am daily forcing myself to live like I am still a broke college student in order to save maximum income (I'm talking serious beans and rice/ spaghetti action) . I also have retained my part-time college position as a server to generate student-debt income. This means I work roughly 70 hours a week. The plus side of this is that being nearly always at work, I have very little time to buy shoes or clothes I frequently crave. Also, I have less time to consume extra snacks, saving groceries. A shout out to BudgetsAreSexy.com and Dave Ramsey's gazelle program for assisting in my goal-setting and planning. For those looking to pay off debts or just save money, here are a few of my keys to success. Enjoy!

  1. Grocery Sales: I pretty much only buy BoGo items, which is usually cheaper than Wally World. I also occasionally coupon when I have time/energy. I save nearly 100 a month doing this. When items I eat/think I need are not on sale, I simply have very...creative...meals.
  2. Alcohol: While it may seem tempting to live the night life with restaurant companions, having witnessed firsthand how much they are spending on recreational beverages is crazy. Make it a habit to just say no.
  3. Technology Sacrifices: I do not have cable or a nice phone. I also have switched to straight talk to save money on my phone plan. Netflix helps alleviate the entertainment sacrifice and is only $10/mo.

Hello again! After a lengthy hiatus, I have returned to my beginner blog. My blog topics will largely including posts concerning student loans, personal finance, and graduate realism. I hope many of my posts and article references will prove useful to the thousands in similar situations. Feedback is very welcome!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hello There!
My name is Charis and I'm a graduate with my second? Big Girl Job and my fair share of student loans...aka evil incarnate. I love reading about and sharing ways to save and be intentional with money. I made a commitment to myself when I was in grad school that I would do everything I could to pay off the ENTIRETY of my student debt within a year of commencing post-grad employment (SEP 2015). This blog is a method of shall we say public accountability and a hope that I can partner with others who are inspired to save and to be free of debt. So let's Get "Er Done!